Ensure your employment eligibility quickly and accurately. Our dedicated team of experts will perform a thorough Right to Work check , giving you peace of mind and ensuring compliance with all legal requirements.
Ask to see the applicant’s original documents. You can no longer accept biometric residence cards or permits. Ask the applicant for a share code instead.
Must check that the documents are valid with the applicant present.
Make and keep copies of the documents and record the date you made the check.
Our system verifies the authenticity and validity of passports and documents of the candidate.
Our system's biometric facial recognition technology confirms the match between candidate’s face in the video and the picture on the candidate ID document.
Our advanced passive liveness detection technology ensures the candidate is a real, live individual.
This version ensures the candidate's identity is authentic and the outcome which is either positive or negative.
Employment eligibility is constantly evolving due to updates in regulations, visa statuses, and personal circumstances. Our system ensures ongoing compliance by regularly verifying employee documentation, keeping your organization protected and up-to-date with the latest legal requirements.
Our automated system analyzes employee documents and compares them with relevant legislation to determine whether the candidate qualifies for the position your organization wishes to offer.
Our advanced passive liveness detection technology ensures the candidate is a real, live individual.
Available through apps only,
from 1st October 2024.
1 RTW check
20 RTW check valid for a year
SAVE 20%£620
100 RTW check valid for a year
SAVE 38%£1650
300 RTW check valid for a year
SAVE 45%For enterprise customers
Solution design to handle high volume hiring and protecting business form penalties
Right to Work (RTW) checks are a legal requirement for employers in the UK to ensure that all employees are legally permitted to work. These checks can be manual for British and Irish nationals or digital for foreign workers, following Home Office guidelines. Conducting accurate RTW checks provides a "statutory excuse" that protects businesses from fines if an employee is later found to be working illegally. Regular updates and training for HR teams are essential to ensure compliance, as immigration laws and document requirements often change.
In 2024, fines for employing illegal workers have increased dramatically, up to £45,000 for first-time offenders and £60,000 for repeat violations. The UK government aims to curb illegal employment by enforcing these higher penalties. Employers who neglect to conduct RTW checks not only face financial repercussions but also risk severe reputational damage. Businesses must regularly review their RTW processes, ensuring compliance with Home Office guidelines. Proper documentation and regular audits are key in avoiding these substantial fines.
Right to Work checks are not a one-time task. For employees on time-limited visas, periodic reviews are necessary to ensure ongoing compliance. Failure to perform these reviews could result in penalties for employing someone without proper work authorisation. Businesses should implement systems to track visa expirations and automate follow-up checks. Regular audits of RTW procedures help maintain compliance and protect against potential legal risks, ensuring that all employees remain eligible to work under UK law.
Non-compliance with RTW checks can have significant consequences beyond fines. For businesses that depend on international talent, failing to comply can lead to the revocation of sponsor licences, making it difficult to hire skilled workers. This can disrupt operations and impact business growth. Moreover, public disclosure of illegal employment practices can damage a company's reputation, affecting its client base and future contracts. Ensuring compliance at every level through training and regular audits is essential to maintaining business continuity.
Have some big idea or brand to develop and need help? Then reach out we'd love to hear about your project and provide help
(+44) 020 8087 2343
email us Email us: rtwcheck@workpermitcloud.co.uk
The Gherkin Level 28, 30 St. Mary Axe, London, EC3A 8BF
1st & 2nd Floor, 112-116 Whitechapel Road, London, E1 1JE
Regulated to provide immigration services by the Immigration Services Commissioner. Registration No. F202100311.
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